
Resources on Mental Health


BC Schizophrenia Society

Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division

HeadsUpGuys – resources for men struggling with depression

Jessie’s Legacy – Eating Disorders Prevention and Awareness

Kelty Mental Health Resource Center

Mood Disorders Association of BC

Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture (VAST) – provides refugee mental health support

Help Lines

211 (24 hrs, 7 days a week): bc211 is a confidential and multilingual telephone and texting service in BC; provides free information and referral to a full range of community, social, and government services

BC Bereavement Helpline: 1-877-779-2223 or 604-738-9950

Crisis Centre (24 hrs, 7 days a week): 1-800-784-2433 or 604-872-3311

KUU-US Crisis Line for First Nations (24 hrs, 7 days a week): 1-800-588-8717; 250-723-4050 for Adults & Elders or 250-723-2040 for Child & Youth

Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (No Area Code Needed)

LGBT Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688

Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-888-795-6111

Seniors Distress Line: 604-872-1234

VictimLinkBC: 1-800-563-0808 or 604-875-0885 or Text to 604-836-6381

Youth Against Violence Line: 1-800-680-4264 or 604-875-0885 or Text to 604-836-6381

More Supporting Services

WorkBC – provincial website on jobs and employment services

ISS of BC – provides career and settlement services to newcomers and refugee

MOSAIC – offers multilingual settlement services to newcomers and refugee

Qmunity – BC’s queer resource centre